‘The Turtle Who Fights For Animal Rights’ is the fifth book about animal rights written by author Dragana Vucic Dekic, Ph.D.


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The turtle, a symbol of wisdom and longevity, is suddenly caught and caged. As she longs for freedom, she dreams that she is a lawyer in human court advocating for all animals, domestic and wild. In such an imaginative framework as dreams can be, the most important facts about the unfair treatment of animals are presented. Famous animal rights advocates, artists, and scientists, such as Tesla, Da Vinci, Gandhi, Tolstoy, Kafka, and many others, appear in the story.

This book presents imagination and arguments simultaneously and is intended for school children as well as adults. The peculiarity of this story is that its true ending depends on the individuality of each reader.

animal rights kids


Dragana Vucic Dekic and Agnes Szucher do a remarkable job of bringing to life stories for young children that not only engage and entertain, but that also help cultivate creative thinking and compassion.
Melanie Joy PhD, author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism
Dragana’s books are beautifully illustrated and written in a way that make people think deeply about the lives of our animal friends that we share the earth with. The stories are on point and written in an engaging way that kids of all ages can relate to and understand.
Seth Tibbott, Founder, and Chairman of The Tofurky Company and Author of In Search of the Wild Tofurky
Want a child in your life to see the world through animals’ eyes? Buy this book.
Paul Shapiro, author of Clean Meat: How Growing Meat without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World

Maybe there is nothing more important today than teaching young kids compassion and empathy. Dragana’s books do exactly that. Through playful stories, she makes children see animals in a new light, undoubtedly helping them think differently about our relationships with the other species with whom we share our planet.

Tobias Leenaert, best-selling author of How to Create a Vegan World: A Pragmatic Approach