Ethical reasons to go vegan

People choose to go vegan for many reasons, including health, environmental concerns, and animal welfare. The philosophical underpinning of veganism is rooted in the belief that animals possess inherent worth and value as sentient beings. This belief stems from the idea that animals have the capacity for experiencing pleasure, pain, and a range of emotions, and therefore deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. Vegans who hold this view argue that exploiting animals for food, clothing, entertainment, or any other purpose is a violation of their basic rights and constitutes an unethical act.

The production of animal-based food, for instance, often involves confining animals in cramped and unsanitary conditions and subjecting them to cruel practices such as tail docking, debeaking, and castration without anesthezia. This, vegans argue, not only causes physical harm to the animals but also leads to significant psychological stress and suffering. Furthermore, vegans contend that the exploitation of animals for human purposes is not justifiable, as it fails to recognise the intrinsic worth and value of non-human animals. In this sense, veganism can be seen as a manifestation of the moral principles of justice, equality, and compassion, as it seeks to create a world in which all beings are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of species.

There are a number of examples of unethical treatment of animals, here are the four most dominant forms of animal exploitation:

Factory Farming

A widespread example of animal exploitation is found in the industrial farming system, where animals are housed in cramped and unsanitary conditions, and subjected to cruel practices like tail docking, debeaking, and castration without pain relief. This type of confinement denies the animals the opportunity to engage in natural behaviours like roaming, foraging, and socialising with their own kind, causing them immense suffering.

One example of the suffering caused by factory farming can be seen in the conditions faced by chickens used for egg production. These chickens are often housed in battery cages, which are cramped and restrictive, leaving the chickens with barely enough room to move. This type of confinement often results in physical and psychological stress, leading to health problems, feather pecking, and aggressive behaviour. In addition, these chickens are often subjected to cruel practices such as debeaking, which involves removing a portion of their beak to prevent pecking, and tail docking, which involves cutting off their tails. These practices are often performed without the use of pain relief, causing the chickens to experience significant suffering.

Animal Testing

Animals are often used in laboratory testing to determine the safety and effectiveness of various products, from cosmetics to medical devices. This process often involves exposing the animals to hazardous chemicals, subjecting them to physical and psychological stress, and forcing them to undergo painful procedures. This practice raises serious ethical concerns about the treatment of animals in such situations.

One example of unethical animal testing is the use of rats and mice in toxicity testing. These animals are forced to ingest or inhale large amounts of chemicals, or have chemicals applied to their skin, to determine the toxic effects of the substance. This can cause significant physical and psychological harm, including skin irritation, organ damage, and even death. Furthermore, these animals are often kept in restrictive cages, leading to significant confinement-related stress. The use of animals in such testing raises important ethical questions about the treatment of animals and the need for alternative testing methods that do not cause harm to sentient beings.

Circus and Zoo Animals

Animals used in circuses and zoos are frequently subjected to abusive treatment, including physical abuse, confinement in tiny, inadequate cages, and unnatural training methods. Additionally, these animals are often removed from their natural habitats, causing significant stress and harm.

While watching the circus performance with admiration, the spectators do not think about how much pain the animals are hiding behind the curtains. One example of the unethical treatment of circus animals is the use of elephants in traveling circuses. These majestic creatures are often subjected to cruel training methods, such as the use of bullhooks and electric shocks, to make them perform unnatural tricks. In addition, they are often kept in tiny, cramped trailers for extended periods of time, causing significant stress and physical harm. The removal of elephants from their natural habitats and the confinement in such conditions raises important ethical questions about the treatment of these animals and the use of wild animals in entertainment.

Leather and Fur Production

The production of leather and fur products involves killing animals for their skin and fur, a process that can be both brutal and inhumane. For instance, animals used for fur production may be trapped in small, wire-bottom cages for extended periods, causing physical and psychological distress. Similarly, the leather production process often involves cruel treatment of animals, including branding, dehorning, and castration without the use of pain relief.

An example of the unethical treatment of animals in leather and fur production is the fur farming industry. In this industry, animals like foxes, mink, and rabbits are kept in small, cramped cages for their entire lives and subjected to cruel conditions. They are unable to engage in natural behaviors such as hunting, foraging, and exploring their environment. Additionally, the methods used to kill these animals for their fur, such as gassing, electrocution, or neck-breaking, can cause them immense suffering. This highlights the ethical concerns surrounding the production of fur products and the treatment of animals in this industry.

Teaching ethical values through vegan children’s books

Ethical values are developed from an early age through repeated experiences, interactions, and observation of behavior. Children learn what is considered right and wrong based on the examples set by their parents, teachers, and other important adults in their lives. By exposing children to positive ethical values at an early age, they are more likely to internalize and practice these values throughout their lives.

Reading vegan books can play an important role in teaching children about ethical values. These books can help children understand the importance of treating all living beings with respect and dignity. They can provide information on the realities of factory farming, animal testing, and the production of leather and fur products, and help children see the connections between their daily choices and the suffering of animals. By reading vegan books, children can learn to think critically about their own beliefs and values, and develop an appreciation for the lives and well-being of all creatures. Furthermore, these books can provide children with a sense of empowerment and encourage them to take action to make the world a more compassionate and ethical place.